
Sunday, October 29, 2006

Things I have learned this week...

Working long hours and alcohol do not mix.

No matter how justified one may feel, dirty protests are not big or clever. They are however funny, particularly when one has no recollection of them (see point 1).

Sober friends are very useful in stopping dirty protests escalating into open warfare. Even when you swear at them. A lot.

No matter how good an idea it seems, opening a bottle of wine after a night out is never wise.

Flatmates' enjoyment of DVDs may be hampered by loud snoring from drunken idiots with undrunk glasses of wine.

Sometimes the events of a night out can only be reconstructed from various stains and bruises.

Torchwood was finally worth watching after 2 previous aborted attempts. It's also an anagram of Doctor Who, which I needed pointing out. I'd be rubbish on Countdown. Apart from the numbers game. I'm good at that.

I have too many friends that I haven't even contacted, let alone seen in a long time.

My closest friends are all screwed up to the point that my life often seems straight forward yet I wouldn't swap them for anyone. Well, maybe Kylie.

A beautiful woman forgetting your name is crushing.

I haven't had my hair cut since I wrote about it on here.

I love my new phone to the point of unhealthiness. Being able to watch films and TV programs on the train make the commute almost bearable and just one of its many magical features.

I might actually have finally worked on a good game.

I might actually get to work on an even better game and it won't turn out to be a rushed, half-baked waste of a licence. Maybe.

Getting home from work before midnight is good in theory but in practice has proven somewhat elusive.

The only time people talk to you in the street is when they want something.

Shouting 'dude' and jabbing me in the back is not the best way to illicit a favourable response if you want something.

My DVD addiction was only in remission.

Women eating in Choccywoccydoodah always look away guiltily if you catch their eye.

My flatmate has the patience of a saint and is a veritable domestic goddess.

Now matter how much I rail against it, I am, deep down, a geek.

I like it when people refer to me as a writer.

I'm the sort of person who counts just how many things I have learned this week and then adds one last point to make it total 23.


MonkeyTypes said...

Don't worry. You're not about to be ousted in favour of Kylie. In fairness, it would have to be a swap for a female friend. Maybe one who struggles to remember my name. Although being referred to as 'The Pirate' is still quite endearing.

Local girl, you say? Stalk mode activated.

Jon, not Antifrog said...

Italian housewife? Man, that thought sickens even me.